"To seek out men and women of prayer...
"...called to witness the faith with courage, teach with clarity and serve with charity as priests and consecrated religious.
"We focus on the restoration of all things in Christ through prayer, hard work, generosity and sacrifice.
"We foster the formation of men and women deeply rooted in an abiding love for Jesus Christ, especially in His Eucharistic Presence, and for our Blessed Mother, so that (these men and women) may become holy laborers for the Kingdom who come to 'serve' not 'to be served.'"
The mission statement of the Office of Vocations
for the Diocese of Arlington
"We focus on the restoration of all things in Christ through prayer, hard work, generosity and sacrifice.
"We foster the formation of men and women deeply rooted in an abiding love for Jesus Christ, especially in His Eucharistic Presence, and for our Blessed Mother, so that (these men and women) may become holy laborers for the Kingdom who come to 'serve' not 'to be served.'"
The mission statement of the Office of Vocations
for the Diocese of Arlington
Happy National Vocations Awareness Week!
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