A Penitent Blogger

Mindful of my imperfections, seeking to know Truth more deeply and to live Love more fully.

Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus? Cum vix iustus sit securus?
Recordare, Iesu pie, Quod sum causa tuae viae: Ne me perdas illa die...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Persistent lies vs. the Power of Truth

Today's readings on this glorious day after the celebration of our Lord's resurrection focus on the things that were said in the days after that most wonderful of events.

In today's first reading (from Acts 2), St. Peter on the day of Pentecost gives that first great public proclamation of Christ's resurrection from the dead. As we shall hear in tomorrow's first reading, Peter's proclamation of this truth had tremendous effect: thousands of people accepted the truth of Christ and were baptized that very day.

On the other hand, in the Gospel (Matthew 28:8-15), we hear the first of many disinformation campaigns against this most important event of all human history.

These stories have persisted and proliferated to the present day. The tellers of such stories sell millions of books and even produce major motion pictures, making small fortunes out of big lies.

In the face of such stories, we certainly need to be even more persistent in proclaiming the saving truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Yet we should not let ourselves be terrified or dispirited by the seeming prevalence of such tales.

Truth is more powerful than even the most well-financed and expertly spun lie.

The one enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord derides them.

Psalm 2:4

Christ is risen.
He is truly risen.

Believe it deeply.

Proclaim it boldly.

And fear no lie.


I say to the Lord,
you are my Lord, you are my only good.

Worthless are all the false gods of the land.
Accursed are all who delight in them.

They multiply their sorrows who court other gods.
Blood libations to them I will not pour out,
nor will I take their names upon my lips.

LORD, my allotted portion and my cup,
you have made my destiny secure.

Pleasant places were measured out for me;
fair to me indeed is my inheritance.

I bless the LORD who counsels me;
even at night my heart exhorts me.

I keep the LORD always before me;
with the Lord at my right, I shall never be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices;
my body also dwells secure,

For you will not abandon me to Sheol,
nor let your faithful servant see the pit.

You will show me the path to life, a
bounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.
Psalm 16:2-11