Being a brother
"Dominican Brothers have felt Christ's call to 'Come, follow me,' though they have not felt that answering this invitation meant, for them, becoming priests. Theirs is not a half-way response to Christ, but rather a full-hearted response to what they are called to do.
"Because they are not called to ordination, they pursue a specialized apostolate complementary to the work of their priest-brothers, enhancing the preaching ideal of the Order.
"Dominican Brothers are involved in specialized preaching, religious education and catechetical formation, pastoral administration and campus ministry, domestic service to the community... as well as professional and technical ministries (social work, classroom teaching, academic/provincial administration, health care, creative arts, etc.)."
"Because they are not called to ordination, they pursue a specialized apostolate complementary to the work of their priest-brothers, enhancing the preaching ideal of the Order.
"Dominican Brothers are involved in specialized preaching, religious education and catechetical formation, pastoral administration and campus ministry, domestic service to the community... as well as professional and technical ministries (social work, classroom teaching, academic/provincial administration, health care, creative arts, etc.)."
from the Vocations website of
the Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Dominican Province of St. Joseph has
the Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Dominican Province of St. Joseph has
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