I will allure her
and speak to her heart.
"God speaks to the heart in silence, solitude, stillness. His voice cannot easily be heard in the midst of noise, turmoil and a pace of life geared to speed and endless commotion.
"When our hearts do respond to his voice, he tells us about the meaning of life, about who he is and who we are; and how to experience the fullness of life by finding his presence in all things, recognizing that he is a mystery beyond all things.
"Here in our monastery, we seek God in a life of prayer, silence, simplicity, and joy. We do this as Mary did, and in union with her, listening to the Word of God, pondering it in our hearts, and acting upon it in faith. Everything in our daily living is arranged to foster this attitude of receptivity. At the center of our life is the liturgy, through which we offer to God a continual sacrifice of praise, and intercede with the Father of mercies for the universal Church and the needs of the whole world....
"While we live within a cloister, separated aterially from the world, the Church has appointed us for the work of divine praise and intercessory prayer, which situates us at the very heart of the Church and the world. We embrace that world by recreating in our monastery a place of love, peace, and delight in the Lord, which in faith we believe radiates a hidden apostolic fruitfulness. We do not preach with our voices; ours is a concrete, lived out proclamation of the Good News.
"Would you like to share our life, or simply to know us better? Then, with Jesus we say: 'Come and see.'"
from the website of the Monastery of Mary the Queen
Contemplative Dominican Nuns in Elmira, New York
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