The first words
"'Listen, O child...
and incline the ear of your heart.'
"The rest of the Prologue and 73 short chapters proceed to outline a way of life, sprung from the precepts of the New Testament, that will gently rend our hearts wide open, in order to be 'overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love' (Prologue 49).
"The Rule is oriented around these main principles: humility, obedience, silence, order and balance, and discretion...for it is through these practices that St. Benedict better came to know Christ....
"St. Benedict took this humble, obedient Lamb of God as the archetype of our monastic lives, calling his own teachings a 'little rule for beginners' who are 'hastening to their heavenly homeland.' (RB 73:8) It is to this that the woman who desires to become a Benedictine nun grafts herself.
"But how does one KNOW that this is her call? The urgings of a 'still, small whisper' in the heart and mind are the normal means. SomeOne is unsettling her by His persistent knocking, the quality of which drowns out all other desires, legitimate and lovely though they may be.
"What also helps someone to know whether she might be called here is whether it is the 'right fit'...whether she has the qualities that we feel are necessary for this way of service. These are simply a first indication. After a woman enters the community, she has several years of initial formation during which to discern further before she makes a permanent commitment.
- "A love for God, for the Church, and for all people
- "An attraction to Benedictine spirituality
- "A growing, maturing personality
- "Necessary aptitudes for community living and for chanting the Divine Office
- "Good physical, mental and emotional health
- "Stamina to endure hard work and a regulated schedule
- "At least a high school education and some work experience.
"She must be free of major commitments and responsibilities, such as the care of aging parents or dependent children. She must also be free of debt.
"Are you considering a call to monastic life? Would you like more information about our community, or would you like to make an inquiry visit? Please contact:
Sister Pauline LaPlante, OSB
Abbey of St. Walburga
Virginia Dale CO 80536-8942
Telephone: 970-472-0612
E-mail: "
(from the website of
the Benedictine Abbey of St. Walburga)
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