"Think of what is above"
Sometimes it is very easy to become distracted in this confusing world.
Sometimes, in this world of never-ending challenges, it is easy to become discouraged.
For many members of the Church, the news lately has been especially discouraging, as allegations of terrible crimes and apparent cover-ups have been trumpeted again by the media – by coincidence or design – right before the most sacred celebrations of Christendom.
Right up front, let us be clear: those crimes were heinous, the perpetrators deserve to be punished, children must be protected, and those who could have stopped those crimes and did not must take responsibility for their sins of omission.
Let us also be honest: while many who report and seek accountability in these matters are acting from the best of motives and in the most ethical of ways, there are also some who pursue these matters for selfish purposes or in ways that are harmful to nearly everyone.
It is a difficult world in which we live, full of imperfect people (including ourselves).
We must deal responsibly with the world in which we live and do what is right in it, but today’s celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reminds us that even as we soldier on in this world, our hope is not limited to it.
Indeed, our hope – which can motivate us to overcome anything in this world – is infinite and eternal.
As Saint Paul says in one of the Epistles provided for today’s Mass (Colossians 3:1-4):
If then you were raised with Christ,
seek what is above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Think of what is above,
not of what is on earth.
For you have died,
and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ your life appears,
then you too will appear with him
in glory.
Sometimes, in this world of never-ending challenges, it is easy to become discouraged.
For many members of the Church, the news lately has been especially discouraging, as allegations of terrible crimes and apparent cover-ups have been trumpeted again by the media – by coincidence or design – right before the most sacred celebrations of Christendom.
Right up front, let us be clear: those crimes were heinous, the perpetrators deserve to be punished, children must be protected, and those who could have stopped those crimes and did not must take responsibility for their sins of omission.
Let us also be honest: while many who report and seek accountability in these matters are acting from the best of motives and in the most ethical of ways, there are also some who pursue these matters for selfish purposes or in ways that are harmful to nearly everyone.
It is a difficult world in which we live, full of imperfect people (including ourselves).
We must deal responsibly with the world in which we live and do what is right in it, but today’s celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reminds us that even as we soldier on in this world, our hope is not limited to it.
Indeed, our hope – which can motivate us to overcome anything in this world – is infinite and eternal.
As Saint Paul says in one of the Epistles provided for today’s Mass (Colossians 3:1-4):
If then you were raised with Christ,
seek what is above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Think of what is above,
not of what is on earth.
For you have died,
and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ your life appears,
then you too will appear with him
in glory.
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