The simple things
In today’s first reading (2 Kings 5:1-15ab), a powerful man has a difficult problem but refuses the most simple and mundane steps to solve it: washing seven times in the Jordan to be cleansed of leprosy.
How often do we seek to solve our problems and find happiness through elaborate programs, a wonder drug, or a greatly desired person or thing (none of which provides true, complete, and lasting happiness) while neglecting the classic, simple, and mundane steps laid out for us by God: praying regularly, living morally, receiving the Sacraments, studying and spreading the truth, and sharing the love of God with others?
How often do we seek to solve our problems and find happiness through elaborate programs, a wonder drug, or a greatly desired person or thing (none of which provides true, complete, and lasting happiness) while neglecting the classic, simple, and mundane steps laid out for us by God: praying regularly, living morally, receiving the Sacraments, studying and spreading the truth, and sharing the love of God with others?
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