A Penitent Blogger

Mindful of my imperfections, seeking to know Truth more deeply and to live Love more fully.

Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus? Cum vix iustus sit securus?
Recordare, Iesu pie, Quod sum causa tuae viae: Ne me perdas illa die...

Friday, December 01, 2006


Today's first reading (Revelation 20:1-4,11-21:2), as is most of the book of Revelation, is complex and full of multilayered symbolism.

Many people focus solely on these verses as prophecies of the end time, debating heatedly about the timing of things.

The prophecies of the Lord, of course, will be unfolded in the Lord's own way and in the Lord's own time.

The world could end tomorrow or it could not end for another thousand years.

Moreover, you or I could die tomorrow, the end of our life on this planet as individuals (may God have mercy on us).

No matter what happens, however, we need to heed carefully the lessons of this passage for our personal lives.

There is evil in the world, and it is a powerful, persuasive, and destructive force.

Ultimately, this force can only be chained by the power of God and so we must pray constantly for the Lord to deliver us from evil.

Delivered from the power of evil and the distortions of temptation, we have in Christ the power to see things aright and the power, in Christ, to be in control of ourselves.

In the end, all things will pass away and we will stand naked before God, with all of our thoughts, words, and deeds clearly seen - together with all their consequences.

Only by the grace of God, who writes our names in the book of life, can we escape eternal oblivion.

Only by the grace of God may we come to dwell in the new heavens, the new earth, and the beautiful new Jerusalem in the eternal excitement and joy of eternity in Christ.