Called by Jesus Christ
"The priest is first called to teach the faith to the people of God and to the larger community on non-believers. He actively engages in the work of evangelization when he preaches at the divine liturgy, when he teaches through catechetical instruction, and when he is a witness to the world by his life of self-sacrifice.

"As a steward of the divine mysteries, the priest is given the grace to govern the flock of Christ entrusted to his care. The manner of this governance is not as the world governs, where power is lorded over others, for all the baptized faithful are called to a life of holiness according to their state in life....
"In 1988, Pope John Paul II canonically established the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as a society of apostolic life and approved its constitutions. The Fraternity was founded in response to the Holy Father's call to ecclesial unity and the new evangelization. Hence, our name denotes a filial love and loyalty to the Supreme Pontiff.

"The Fraternity of St. Peter seeks to respond to the Holy Father's appeal through an active apostolate in the service of the Church. We seek to reunite those who have been alienated by liturgical abuse and theological dissent by offering the sacred liturgy in all of its solemnity according to the Latin liturgical books of 1962, and by offering the faithful sound catechetical teaching within the living Tradition of the Church."
"The main work of the Fraternity of St. Peter is the operation of pastoral missions throughout the United States and Canada, for it is in the parish that the souls of the laity are formed and nourished in the sacramental and catechetical life of the Church. The Fraternity currently operates apostolates in over twenty North American dioceses.

"The Fraternity of St. Peter operates Our Lady Of Guadalupe Seminary for the formation of English-speaking candidates for the priesthood. Young men who believe that they may have a vocation are strongly encouraged to make a vocational retreat at the seminary. These retreats are offered two or three times a year.
"For further information, please contact:
Director of Vocations
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
P.O. Box 196
Elmhurst, PA 18416
phone: (570) 842-4000
fax: (570) 842-4001
From the North American website of
the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
A slide show "Called to become a Priest" (as well as other downloads) is available at

"In 1988, Pope John Paul II canonically established the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as a society of apostolic life and approved its constitutions. The Fraternity was founded in response to the Holy Father's call to ecclesial unity and the new evangelization. Hence, our name denotes a filial love and loyalty to the Supreme Pontiff.

"The Fraternity of St. Peter seeks to respond to the Holy Father's appeal through an active apostolate in the service of the Church. We seek to reunite those who have been alienated by liturgical abuse and theological dissent by offering the sacred liturgy in all of its solemnity according to the Latin liturgical books of 1962, and by offering the faithful sound catechetical teaching within the living Tradition of the Church."

"The main work of the Fraternity of St. Peter is the operation of pastoral missions throughout the United States and Canada, for it is in the parish that the souls of the laity are formed and nourished in the sacramental and catechetical life of the Church. The Fraternity currently operates apostolates in over twenty North American dioceses.

"The Fraternity of St. Peter operates Our Lady Of Guadalupe Seminary for the formation of English-speaking candidates for the priesthood. Young men who believe that they may have a vocation are strongly encouraged to make a vocational retreat at the seminary. These retreats are offered two or three times a year.
"For further information, please contact:
Director of Vocations
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
P.O. Box 196
Elmhurst, PA 18416
phone: (570) 842-4000
fax: (570) 842-4001
From the North American website of
the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
A slide show "Called to become a Priest" (as well as other downloads) is available at
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